Sunshine from Polynesia
Aloha! We are a full service Polynesian Dance Troupe. We offer a range of options, from one dancer surprising a friend with a Hula-Gram, to a full Polynesian floor show with dancers, drums, ukulele and fire knife. We also do children's birthday parties and school workshops for classrooms.

We have performed at numerous venues, from private parties to corporate events, weddings, graduations, and the like. Some of our clients are quoted below:

Kelly S., Army Corps of Engineers: "Well Done! Everyone here has said that they enjoyed the performances. Watching you teach our Senior Leaders to hula was the highlight of the picnic!"

Debbie Cooper, Mukilteo Beacon News: "The evening featured an unforgettable performance by the. troupe. The dancers mesmerized the crowd with a perfect performance of traditional hulas, Tahitian movements, storytelling and drumming"

Steven Reddy, Lawton Elementary School: "Lita has a confident manner that makes the girls and boys alike want to do their best. .it's a fun time, and for many of the students, it's their first time performing this way for an audience."

We've also performed for: AFLAC insurance co., University of Washington Diversity Awareness Group, Broadmoor And Newcastle Golf clubs, Issaquah School District, Adobe Systems, Hula Hula restaurant, and many more.