Dog N Butterfly - The Ultimate Tribute to Heart!
Dog 'N' Butterfly is the ultimate tribute to the 70's & 80's classic rock group Heart.
Their lead vocalist [Lizann Warner] is the actual voice singing "Barracuda" on the famously popular Activision game "Guitar Hero 3". And hers is also the voice singing "Magic Man" on the konami game: "Rock Revolution"! No other vocalist comes this close to Ann Wilson, and her track record proves it! She & her band have actually performed with founding Heart members Roger Fisher [Guitarist] & Steve Fossen [Bassist]!!! And even Ann & Nancy Wilson themselves have endorsed the band: "“Your recreation of music, photo sets, and style are amazing, what a truly dedicated tribute band. Proud that we influenced you in such an intense way, we are truly honored, humbled and proud!!!” - Ann & Nancy Wilson of Heart

Dog 'N' Butterfly has played on premier stages & casinos throughout the U.S., with an energetic stage show that never fails to impress! Famous Radio D.J. "Uncle" Joe Benson tweeted: Dog 'N' Butterfly" is one of the best tribute acts I've ever seen Yeoow!!".

Dog 'B' Butterfly is a professional 5 piece unit that has been wowing crowds for nearly 10 years. They are as close to the real thing as you can get with a proven track record, & a long list of happy clients! If you want the best Heart tribute for your event, then get the ultimate Heart tribute: Dog 'N' Butterfly!!!