Professional Entertainment™

Rob Kanzer Life and Business Coach
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Are you amazed the constant source of misunderstanding, lack of appreciation and the amount of time and persistence it takes to get things done?

Isn't there a better way for people to collaborate at work?

Isn't there a better way for personal relationships to be more fulfilling?

Well . YES

And it's good news bad news.

The good news is you already have MOST of what you need to begin these transformations. he bad news is what you "already have" can ALSO get in the way.

Whether you are a VP of Sales and Marketing, A Nurse Practioner CEO or part of the Mom-Dad team, you CAN learn and practice with insight and humor "The Five Steps for Success" - and you can see them for free on my website.

With a background in counseling and making money as an entrepreneur, I've been there done that AND . I ALSO have a beginner's mind (What's that?) The genuine curiousity to experience what's possible.

Does that sound like a lot of touchy feely, un-measurable, panacea approach.

Remember my corporate clients have paid me thousands of dollars and invite me back over and over again - so it IS worth it to them.

Look there is a faster way to get your questions answered.

You'll be able to tell within minutes whether the chemistry of our personalities PLUS the practical advice which you will get for free is worthwhile or not.

Or .. stay at a distance, sign up for my free 4-7 times per year e vites and/or contact my satisfied customers and ask them yourselves.

Oh, one more thing, my presentations, workshops and coaching are highly interactive and challenging so YOU come away with the Experience and Views . You can USE.

Rob Kanzer, Certified Crisis Intervention Counselor, Former Radio and TV interview host, Executive Teambuilding Coach, Motivational Speaker, Laughter Consultant and Money Making Drill Sargeant is now in his 28th year of serving people. Why not give him a call at the Boston Office - it will be refreshing and different and may just change your life for the better.