
A Featured 3 Star Act!
The most famous salsa band in the Northwest featuring the hot vocals and sizzling horn lines that made salsa such a sensation .
Bochinche (bo CHIN chay). a Spanish noun refers to lighthearted gossip or the noise of a party. Bochinche is an appropriate name for this ensemble, which has for years been one of the Northwest's premier musical groups and certainly the most popular Salsa Band.
The Best in Latin Dance Music: The band has performed for clubs, concerts, weddings, parties and more. They have been Seattle's best choice for over 20 years with entertaining, professional and memorable Latin dance music. The Seattle Times called them “The Hottest Music In Town. fiery, powerful percussive music that all but forces you to move to it's pulsating rhythms”
Everyone Can Dance: The music is easy to dance to whether someone is an expert dancer or a first timer. The rhythm and beat means everyone can enjoy it. You don't have to be a salsa dancer to love dancing to salsa music. Everyone can dance to this infectious music but if you'd like to learn some simple Salsa dances Bochinche can teach you how with a fun dance lesson to start off with.
Adding Spice to Your Event: Bochinche is the right choice if you'd like to have a sizzling party. It is music that anyone can join with. that everyone loves! The band is a spectacle of musical color and a dazzling, tight show that will have guests talking about the event for years to come!
The Critics Love Them: "The group has become a beloved institution. The allure of Bochinche is in its fiery rhythms, which ignites the dance urge in everybody!" -Patrick MacDonald, Seattle Times
"These are tunes made for long, long Saturday nights, percussion a-plenty, horns, rumbling bass, good-time lyrics, dancers boogying to sodden exhaustion into the wee hours. " -Dave Ferman, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
"They look good, they move good, they sound good!"-Rick Mitchell, the Oregonian